Friday, November 28, 2008

That was easy

I just set up this blog and did not realize it would only take about 2 minutes. I guess since there are millions doing it, I should have figured.

This blog will address the trials and tribulations, the thrills and conquests, as well as the mundane reality of relying on a bicycle and living without a car in Northern California, as seen by a recent transplant from New York City

I was not sure if the title should be "No Car No Cal" or "No Car Nor Cal". I guess I did not want to say "No Cal" even though it flows naturally with No Car. But it evokes a rejection of Cal and I don't want to say "No" to Cal. And I like the way it is - almost a tongue twister. Nocarnorcal. Lots of ways to play with the title: You don't have a car and you don't have a cal? Carnal, carnival, nocturnal.

Anyway, I have been here for 2 months and have had many adventures. The cycling is great. There is a great infrastructure of bike lanes and routes here in San Mateo county. Thanks, government, even though I have to stop at lights now. You give me rights, I will take the responsibility. No rights? Anything goes - and hit me if you can.

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