Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Car? What Car?

My brand new bike. The frame on
the old one broke at the seatpost.

On Day 49, April 11, the car-free streak ended. I drove! But a new one has begun, and it is at day twenty-one. So I've used my car only once in the last 70 days. Sometimes I think how I am wasting money on insurance and all while not using the car, but that doesn't make sense because I would be spending a lot more if I was using it. I'm going to have to go somewhere like the Sierra anyway. A compromise.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Midpeninsula Region Open Space District - Criminal Thugs

The bicycle-hating arrogant bastards that run MROSD actually assess a penalty of $192 for failure to wear a helmet. No warning ticket, either. Figures they drive around in giant carbon-spewing trucks, of course they hate bikes!